

“Nike” (Greek for “Victory” or “Winner”) is a blue splash coat female born June 15, 2006. She is approximately 42 pounds and 22 inches tall. She is ABCA registered; we recorded her with AKC and ASCA to enjoy performance and companion events.

Nike was purchased from Twin Cedars to be Tora’s 4-H competition dog. Nike and Tora competed in 4-H for 3 years at county, regional, state, and national levels and brought home many trophies in obedience, agility, rally, and junior showmanship. Unfortunately for Tora, college did not allow her access to her dogs and Nike was unable to begin her ASCA/AKC career until 2012. During the interim, Nike continued to compete with Teri in 4-H at all levels.

In 2012, Nike moved to Columbia with Tora and began regular training for her ASCA/AKC debut. As time and finances allow, Tora is trialing Nike in AKC and ASCA rally, obedience, and agility. They are also starting AHBA, AKC, and ASCA herding trials.

Nike is a certified therapy dog and accompaned Tora to schools, libraries, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals for pet-assisted therapy. She also is an avid backpacker and is working on visiting every state park in Missouri while carrying her pack. Keep up with her (and Uli) at, Tora’s blog about the Border Collies. Be sure to hit “Follow” to get all the new posts!

Nike is one of our foundation bitches and we are thrilled to have two daughters out of this wonderful girl. Nike is a healthy, beautiful dog with brains beyond comprehension. She has produced puppies that excel in agility, disc, herding, search and rescue, and as family companions. Nike is spayed.

CHIC: 86707


    Hips: BCO-7950G37F-VPI (Good)

    Elbows: BCO-EL1613F37-VPI (Normal)

   Patellae: BCO-PA91/37F/P-VPI (Normal)

BAER Hearing: BCO-BR79/2F-PI  (Normal)

CERF: BCO-3273 (Normal)

Optigen: Accession #12-7763

    CEA/CH (Collie Eye Anomaly/Choroidal Hypoplasia): Normal/Clear (will never produce an affected puppy)

    TNS (Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome): Normal (will never produce an affected puppy)

    CL (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis): Normal (will never produce an affected puppy)


    Rally Advance X (ASCA)

         ~*~*Nike finished her RAX title at the GASC Chill Chaser in February 2014 at Purina’s Event Center*~*~

    Rally Advance (ASCA)

            ~*~*Nike finished her RA titled in three tries at the GASC Chill Chaser in February 2013 at Purina’s Event Center.*~*~

    Junior Herding Dog-sheep (AHBA)

                ~*~*Nike finished her JHD-s in two tries at RottiEwe Farm in Wright City, MO on December 9th. She was calm and cool and moved the sheep through the course quietly. We are spending the winter working on longer outruns.*~*~

    Pre-Trial Tested (AKC)

            ~*~*Nike finished her PT in two tries at the SLHC trial at RottiEwe Farm in Wright City, MO on November 18th, 2012. She did a great job of reading the sheep and really likes to work heads! She impressed everyone with her ability to run backwards. She more than ready to move on up.*~*~

     Rally Novice/Rally Novice X (ASCA)

                ~*~*Nike finished her RNX in three tries out of the Rally Novice B class at the ASC of MA trial in Columbia, MO on September 30th, 2012! She placed FIRST all three times, with scores of 197+, 195, and 200. Her perfect score also earned her High In Trial*~*~

    Canine Good Citizen (AKC)/Therapy Dog (TDI)